Parenting 001 Article by Kevin DeYoung


Parenting 001 ? Kevin DeYoung:

Me: What?s the matter son?

Child: I want that toy and he won?t give it to me!

Me: Why do you want the toy?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: What?s going on in your heart when you desire that toy?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: Think about it son. Use your brain. Don?t you know something?

Child: I guess I just want the toy.

Me: Obviously. But why?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: Fine. [Mental note: abandon “why” questions and skip straight to leading questions.] Do you think he is having fun playing with the toy right now?

Child: No.

Me: Really?! He?s not having fun? Then why does he want that toy in the first place?

Child: Because he?s mean.

Me: Have you ever considered that maybe you are being mean by trying to rip the toy from his quivering little hands?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: What do you know?

Child: I don?t know!

Me: Nevermind. [I wonder how my brilliant child can know absolutely nothing at this moment.] Well, I think taking the toy from him will make your brother sad. Do you like to make him sad?

Child: I don?t know.

Me: [Audible sigh.]

Child: He makes me sad all the time!

Me: Well, I?m getting sad right now with your attitude! [Pause, think, what would Paul Tripp do?? Thinking . . . .thinking . . . .man, I can’t stop thinking of that mustache. This isn’t working. Let’s just go right to the Jesus part.] You know, Jesus wants us to love each other.

Child: I don?t know.

Me: I didn?t ask you a question!

Child: [Pause.] Can I have some fruit snacks?

Me: No, you can?t have fruit snacks. We are talking about the gospel. Jesus loves us and died for us. He wants you to love your brother too.

Child: So?

Me: So give him the toy back!


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