Jerry Falwell Jr., Becki Falwell, and Me. . . – Walt Mueller

Culture, Uncategorized

Of course, the Falwell’s have been caught in the act of doing some horrible, immoral, and flat-out sinful things. For choosing to walk those paths they are clearly responsible and accountable. But their actions should also have fall-out in our lives too. . . serving us as clear reminders and deterrents. For the reality is that we, like them, are broken human beings. And lest we think that we are above, beyond, or immune to doing the same. . . well. . . that would be a grave error in judgement. The well-worn cliche. . . “there but for the grace of God go I” . . . is more than appropriate here.

Life is short. Follow Jesus.
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Anthony Fauci’s Boss on Why Things Could Be Much Better Soon

Culture, Uncategorized

Boy, that’s a big one. What is our future? I don’t want to see a future where this science-versus-faith conflict leads to a winner and a loser. If science wins and faith loses, we end up with a purely technological society that has lost its moorings and foundation for morality. I think that could be a very harsh and potentially violent outcome. But I don’t want to see a society either where the argument that science is not to be trusted because it doesn’t agree with somebody’s interpretation of a Bible verse wins out. That forces us back into a circumstance where many of the gifts that God has given us through intellectual curiosity and the tools of science have to be put away.

So I want to see a society that flourishes by bringing these worldviews together by being careful about which worldview is most likely to give you the truth, depending on the question you’re asking.
— Read on

The Challenge of University Evangelism


Other roots of the current climate lie in trends in popular culture and technology, as detailed by Jonathan Haidt and some others. Perhaps the most obvious and pervasive influence is the internet. Today’s undergraduate students are the first to have spent their entire adolescence on social media, and there has been much analysis about its effects on them. Studies have shown that social media make relationships controllable but also (and therefore) much “thinner” and more superficial.

Also, by comparison, social media make face-to-face encounters feel much more threatening. For example—how do you just “block” a critic who is physically standing in front of you? You can’t. That’s why aggrieved parties have their interchanges online, where they can simply hit the “off” button to end it. Before hitting the “off” button, however, internet communication makes possible the kind of cutting insults and dehumanizing declarations that few feel able to make to someone’s face.

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Source: The Challenge of University Evangelism

When a Father Wound Defines You – Scott Sauls


“You are my beloved son, and with you I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

Approval patch no longer necessary. Ceaseless striving for approval no longer required. No more fear of mediocrity or of your legacy being forgotten. Because now, Jacob, I am giving you a new name. From now on, you will be named Israel, which means “He wrestles with God.”

When you’ve wrestled with God and prevailed with a blessing, it has a way of breaking the spell of insecurity and fear. It has a way of making you less needy for approval and applause, and therefore more poised to love and to serve.

Which is precisely what the people of Jesus were made to do.

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Source: When a Father Wound Defines You – Scott Sauls

Statistics You Have Heard That Are Not True


I’ve heard most of these in church or seen them in the pages of Christian publications. You may have heard a few of them, too:

Church members get divorced at the same rate as anyone else.
The church in the U.S. is dying.
Most Christian young people are shacking up and having sex.
Half of ministers want to quit their jobs.
Youth groups are driving teenagers out of the church in droves.
A third of divorces in America are caused by Facebook.


You Are Always Preaching to Yourself


You are constantly preaching to yourself some kind of gospel. You preach to yourself an anti-gospel of your own righteousness, power, and wisdom, or you preach to yourself the true gospel of deep spiritual need and sufficient grace. You preach to yourself an anti-gospel of aloneness and inability, or you preach to yourself the true gospel of the presence, provisions, and power of an ever-present Christ.

– Paul David Trip in Dangerous Calling